We Choose To Suffer


Good Sunday Morning,

As part of my accountability and commitment to myself, I am sticking to my daily meditation. One guided meditation I keep returning to is “Suffering is a choice.” In these 8 minutes of reflection, we are reminded that everyone faces hardships, but it is our own choice to suffer in those moments.

I am finding that the more I bring awareness to my thoughts and whether or not they deliver value (typical product managers), the faster I can catch myself when I am choosing to suffer. I am learning to be more in control of the thoughts that race my brain, and slowly with practice can control those thoughts. This of course takes practice. How often do we keep ourselves up at night over negative thoughts flooding our minds? Without conscious thought, we hear these negative words, we listen, and we take it in. It is like a poison flooding our brains and into our souls, tricking us to believing what they say is true. Combat this negative energy, it does not serve us. We know we are worth it, we are strong, and we are enough. Even in hard times, those moments shape strong people. Instead of allowing the negative energy to consume, we need to embrace the positive energy and reflect on how we are growing. We need to stop choosing to suffer.

Another point of change for me this week is that I decided I wanted to take a journey with God and really focus on how I can be a better person. I want so much to be a change for the world, and thought this journey would help ground me in values that cab be of use to serving those around me. My previous journey had been rocky, and the grounding feeling I had was always from my gram. With her passing, I realized I need to ground myself in values and continue living life being the kindest person I can be. I view religion as a personal thing, so I don’t intend on this being anything to anyone, but a moment for me to say “I want to be kinder.”

Mom always told me everything you put out in the world, comes back at you three times. So here comes my care bear power of pushing this positive energy out! My passion is rooted in helping others, and starting this blog was the first step I was taking to bring my positive energy out to more people, especially those who are in the hardships of trying so hard to balance it all. I am here to share and help.

Be you, because everyone else is taken.




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